The changes here are from V2, which is what everyone at Touhoufest played. Not a whole lot since we were mainly focused on getting it out quickly and we all need a bit of a break before grinding out the last few things for finishing Stage 1. Mostly just bug fixes but we also decided to change a couple things like now you can’t kill yourself with self-damage. At 1 hp you just can’t use anything that would kill you, since there’s really no reason to, and people killed themselves accidentally all the time. Full patch notes:
-Zoom now caps at a camera size of 3 (previously there was no cap)
Gameplay & Balance
-Collecting new abilities now refills health, so you’ll always have some health to try out new abilities
-Spells can no longer be used when at 1 hp (it would just kill you anyway)
-Text has been made generic to make sense outside of Touhoufest
-Full menu has been re-enabled (not really a change, it was just simplified for Touhoufest)
-Camera boundaries now properly adjust with zoom so Mokou should always be in frame
-Fixed a softlock where sometimes the game wouldn’t respawn the player after dying (hopefully)
-Fixed a bug where pausing in the middle of dying would re-enable player controls
I realize these patch notes are a bit late, I just forgot lol. Anyway, we’ll be getting back to work in another few days, so look forward to the blog and streams returning soon!